Most powerful 5W blue laser pointer VS 1Wgreen laser pointer

by Laser Explorer Posted on 5411 views 1 comments

At present , high-power laser pointer blue light more, green light is not much. Blue high power common 1W, 2W,and 5W,. 5W has become very high, the price is high, the lethality is great. Burning matches, cigarette ,paper, what be nothing difficult.

According to the principle of green laser light, it is difficult to make high power products. The main reason is that there is no high-power green diodes, the second is a large amount of green heat. If you want higher power,rarely on the market, and very expensive.Currently on the market more than 1000mW green laser pointer are basically virtual power. People’s eyes are more sensitive to green light, light than the other bright.

I have chosen two popular laser pointer in the market. You can compare these two kinds of high power laser pointer according to the light beam below.

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green

5W blue VS 1W green


Laser Explorer

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