Never let the children play laser pointer, It can cause blindness!

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laser pointer not a toy

Never let the children play laser pointer, It can cause blindness!

Laser pen security risks are great, it can cause eye permanent damage.

Through the market special investigation, National product damage detection system detection and network public opinion special monitoring found that among the children’s products with greater security risks, laser pens laser pointers rank first.

Experts say, the cause of the damage caused by the laser pointer is the thermal effect, will hurt the eyes and skin. Due to eye imaging characteristics, when the laser beam passes through the eyes, the laser is focused on a very small point in the retina, leading to an instant increase in temperature, destroys the photoreceptor cells of the retina, If the laser energy is strong enough, In the absence of blinking reflexes(Usually less than 1 second), It will cause permanent damage to eye.

The laser pointer sold on the market usually has very good power, they can even light matches, cigarettes, clothes, etc. there is a risk of fires. LuckLaser reminder, Laser poiner is not a toy. Don’t let kids play with laser poiner. Safety goggles should be worn when using laser pens higher than 5MW. Never illuminate other people’s eyes.


Future Laser

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